Create Storm Clouds
This article will teach you how to create a storm cloud effect in Doodly.
Note: To our non-English speaking members: This article refers you to two English only videos to create the effect using Photoshop to create the effects. We will provide a short step by step but this will require you to know how to create the effects or watch how they are created and follow along.
Professional photo manipulation software like Photoshop.
- Lightning
- Images from this PHLearn video in the description: How to Create a Dramatic Sky in Photoshop
PhLearn Video: How to Create a Dramatic Sky in Photoshop
Watch the SoloBoss photo manipulation video attached to this post.
Step 1: Create or find an image that has a lot of clouds.
Step 2: Using a combination of “Masking” layers and the “Blend If” feature in Photoshop darken the clouds and blend the darkened area to allow the clouds to appear to become a stormy color.
Save this image as a png.
Step 3: Using a masking effect create an amazing appearance with the clouds and lightning from two images.
Save this image.
Step 4: Invert the lightning image and save that image.
We now have four images.
1. Original
2. Darkened Clouds
3. Lightning Sky
4. Inverted Lightning Sky
Import these into Doodly.
Settings for Doodly
- Erase Mode: Off
- All images with duration set to fade.
Layers Section Settings and Order
1. Original: 05s Delay 2s Duration
2. Darkened Clouds: 1s Delay 4s Duration
3. Lightning Sky: 2s Delay 2s Duration 60% Opacity
4. Inverted Lightning Sky: 0.1s Delay 0s Duration
5. Lightning Sky: 0.1s Delay 0s Duration
6. Inverted Lightning Sky: 0.1s Delay 0s Duration
7. Lightning Sky: 0.1s Delay 0s Duration
8. Inverted Lightning Sky: 0.1s Delay 0s Duration
9. Lightning Sky: 0.1s Delay 0s Duration
10. Inverted Lightning Sky: 0.1s Delay 0s Duration
11. Lightning Sky: 0.1s Delay 0s Duration
12. Inverted Lightning Sky: 0.1s Delay 0s Duration
13. Lightning Sky: 0.1s Delay 0s Duration
14. Inverted Lightning Sky: 0.1s Delay 0s Duration
15. Lightning Sky: 0.1s Delay 0s Duration
16. White Mask: 4s Delay 2s Duration
17. Desired Sound Effects and Music
Note: This same style can be used to create several different effects. This only shows you 1 possibility.