45. How do I slow down the eraser or how do I slow down my doodle because it is going too fast?
While there is no method of controlling the eraser itself, most people are referring not to the eraser itself but rather to the fact that as soon as Doodly is done revealing an asset on the canvas the erasing begins when another asset is placed on top of it or the scene ends so quick and the exit animation begins and these issues can be corrected between a combination of delay, duration and end of scene time settings.
Delay Time:
Allows you to tell the reveal hand to stop for a specified amount of time before it starts to reveal the next item on the canvas. This can be set to tenths of seconds.
Allows you to tell the reveal hand to take a specified amount of time to reveal an asset on the canvas. This is helpful for allowing the asset to be lined up with the music. A good rule of thumb that is highly dependent upon what you are revealing is: Too much or too little duration and the reveal will not look realistic.
End of Scene Time:
Allows you to tell Doodly to wait a specified amount of time before beginning the next scene. There is a dedicated chapter to this in our Scene Transitions video tutorial.
Note: By using a combination of those three items, your doodle can be slowed down to look more realistic, allow viewers enough time to absorb the scene and have more time before an asset erases another if you have Erase Mode enabled.
Read our How to Control Revealing or Drawing Speed in Doodly written tutorial.