Become a SoloBoss Content Provider
Need more income or just want to get your message to the world? We have the solution. It doesn’t matter if you speak a different language or are just beginning, this opportunity is for you. We believe you should be given an opportunity to express your artistic exuberance and earn some revenue at the same time.
How do you plan to proceed now that you’ve got some skills? This article explains the next so keep reading and learn why you should and how you can become a Solo Boss Content Provider.
Finding Video Assets
We need resources to make our videos excellent. As video designers, we require high quality sound effects, videos and images bring our ideas to life. Most of the free websites out there come with a catch. Free for personal use only or the quality is severely lacking unless you sign up for their pro version. The free websites are full of advertising to other pay sites.
The Internet has become a breeding ground for copyright and trademark infringement trolls. This means all video designers need to be very careful of the content we use in our video that earn us revenue. It is increasingly difficult to find quality assets for free. Solo Boss pays for and provides to its content provider team members access to over 200,000 fully licensed sound effects, music, and videos.
Sign up to become a SoloBoss Content Provider Here: SoloBoss Content Provider Sign Up Form
Earning Revenue or Sharing Your Creativity
In all seriousness, why are you learning to create videos? Why take all the time and effort to learn video design? Because we either want to voice our message to the world or we want revenue. Either way, how do you go about it after your training is completed? There are lots of methods but let’s discuss a few of those methods in detail.
Let’s be serious when we are discussing these methods. We can dream of our video going viral but when have ever heard of a doodle going viral? Never? Exactly!
TikTok has quite a few methods to earn revenue but there are catches to each method.
a) Going Live: Requires 1,000 subscribers to go live. Your subs give you gifts that equate to revenue earned.
b) TikTok Creator Fund: This is a 1-billion-dollar fund that TikTok created to pay out to its followers. Requires 10,000 followers and 10,000 views in the last 30 days. You must be 18 years old or older. Pays about $0.04 per 1,000 views.
c) Sponsorship: You create a media kit and bust your butt by sending a media kit video to sponsors and see if they want to work with you keeping in mind, the sponsor will receive tons of these already from other Tik Tok video creators doing the same thing.
d) Sell Products: Create and sell different products to your followers. Requires several followers to make this work.
e) Affiliate Marketing: Promote products for which we are signed up to earn revenue. Requires a lot of followers and only works as well as the affiliate marketing link. I know people have signed up through my production crate affiliate marketing link, but I haven’t seen any funds come in from that one.
2. Vimeo
There are two methods to earn revenue from Vimeo.
a) Vimeo OTT (Anyone can sign up)
b) Vimeo On Demand (This requires a paid subscription)
If nobody knows your name, there is a very small chance of making Vimeo work for you. It is better to be known on TikTok, YouTube and other platforms before attempting this one.
3. Facebook
Requires 150,000 views on your videos prior to allowing ads to earn revenue.
4. Commercializing
Planning to make ads for clients and advertise on other websites that sell services? Yep, so is everyone else. I hope your marketing skills are up to the challenge of your competitions and that your prices are so low that you cannot afford to buy food after you get paid. Then you may have a chance at getting some business. This approach requires an enormous amount of work and knowledge. It requires a website or a place where clients can see samples of your work, knowing how to work the business side of Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Google Business, LinkedIn and anywhere else that will allow you to advertise for free.
There is somewhere you can advertise for free. By becoming a Solo Boss Content Provider, potential clients will be viewing your videos. If these clients like your work, we will request to hire you for these jobs.
Sign up to become a SoloBoss Content Provider Here: SoloBoss Content Provider Sign Up Form
5. YouTube
This is tough and I mean tough! There are so many talented people that create these fantastic videos and have 0 clue how to work YouTube or their algorithms, so they find themselves with a very low number of subscribers after months or even years of trying. Without a team of people, it becomes very difficult to follow through when everyday life gets in the way.
Solo Boss will be that team for which you are lacking. We want to take these very talented people, regardless of skill level, and put them together so each person can help every other person. We have a plan, and it begins with you taking the first step.
Sign up to become a SoloBoss Content Provider Here: SoloBoss Content Provider Sign Up Form
What are the different methods in which to earn revenue on YouTube?
a. Ads: Requires YouTube partnership program. This is not easy to obtain. This requires 4,000 watched hours in 1 year and 1,000 subscribers. Even when you have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watched hours the payout on YouTube is very minimal. To earn any serious revenue, 600,000 or more subscribers that fully watch your videos until the end is required.
b. Selling Merchandise: Just like TikTok, this requires a lot of subscribers to work. Viewers need to know how to look for merchandise. Merchandise always changes so hardcoding it in your videos isn’t that useful so the best you have is to put it in your description. When was the last time you read a YouTube description?
c. Affiliate marketing: Requires a lot of subscribers willing to sign up to these places to make any revenue earned and only works as well as the affiliate marketing link.
d. Sign up to become a Solo Boss Content Provider. Doesn’t cost you anything. Earn 60% of the ad revenue from content you create and reach a larger audience for your creative message. We teach you how to properly post on YouTube, keyword phrases and show you how to find them. Your efforts will help other content providers while they help you.
Viewers subscribe to the Solo Boss YouTube channel. They want to the content you create to get ideas for their own content. These are also potential clients. They watch your videos, your message gets to the world, they view ads, you earn revenue. They subscribe to the channel, and this helps other content providers when they post videos. They in turn do the same process which helps you.
Sign up to become a SoloBoss Content Provider Here: SoloBoss Content Provider Sign Up Form