Doodle Length
Doodly will tend to get very laggy when you go over around 20 scenes. Although support will tell you that you have no limits on how big of a doodle you can create, when it crashes or gets laggy, their go to answer is because your doodle is too long and you should break it up into smaller doodles.
After a lot of experimentation with doodles from 1 scene to 151 scenes, it is much easier to create shorter doodles and implement them into a much bigger video design project. The result is much more spectacular than attempting to create the entire video project within Doodly.
This thought process requires learning another piece of software. Our software of choice is the Adobe Suite but in question #5, “Where can I obtain free commercial use assets?”, in or Top 50 Doodly F.A.Q. page, there are a ton of free video editing software packages. that you may prefer over paying Adobe’s absorbent prices, especially if you are just beginning.
The image you see are some of the first projects I created in Doodly and they were extremely laggy when trying to move around the scenes and it was not the computer.
Use Doodly as an accent software and not the main software suite.