Using Blurring Effects
Explains proper blurring techniques in Doodly. How to use them to your advantage and different types of blurring. Using blurs is a wonderful method to bring your doodles to life. This article will stick to 3 different types of blurs; Gaussian, Motion and Surface.
- Photo editing software with blurring capability. This article will use Photoshop for this effect.
- Intermediate Skill Level Doodly Tutorial #29: Rapidly Exporting Multiple Assets
Types of blurring effects
There are quite a few types of blurring effects for different situations. The most common and general blur is called the Gaussian blur. There are motion blurs used to give that pseudo appearance of motion and surface blurs to provide those really fantastic effects as if sunlight is coming in through a window or a sun-shower effect.
Gaussian Blur
This is the most common effect and is used from everything from frosted glass to a blurred appearance to blurring out words or areas from a screen you see in a video.
Motion Blur
Really excellent method of providing that vehicular motion when everything is blurred behind the vehicle giving the appearance the vehicle is moving fast.
Surface Blur
Add that blurry effect when light is hitting a surface or dark skies are happening. This is one of those subtle effects viewers don’t notice but are glad they are there because they add to the excitement of the message being told.
1. Rapidly Export the Scene out of Doodly.
2. Either screenshot the scene or use a photo editor that will allow working with mp4 files.
3. Create your blurred effect in the photo editor.
4. Save that image as a PNG.
5. Import that image back into Doodly.
6. Set the Image asset to the appropriate size
7. Fade that image on top of the current scene or vice versa.